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Environmental Testing

Environmental Testing
DB-3DL block heater
DB-3DL block heater
Bibby Scientific

DB-3DL Dri-block heater, 3 blocks, digitalTechne's Dri-block® heaters provide a safe, dry, constant temperature source in the laboratory. The units are...

DB-3 block heater
DB-3 block heater
Bibby Scientific

DB-3 Dri-block heater, 3 blocks, analogueTechne's Dri-block® heaters provide a safe, dry, constant temperature source in the laboratory. The units are...

DB-2D block heater
DB-2D block heater
Bibby Scientific

DB-2D Dri-block heater, 2 blocks, digitalTechne's Dri-block® heaters provide a safe, dry, constant temperature source in the laboratory. The block heater...

DB-2A block heater
DB-2A block heater
Bibby Scientific

DB-2A Dri-block heater, 2 blocks, analogueTechne's Dri-block® heaters provide a safe, dry, constant temperature source in the laboratory. The block...

BlockICE Sample Cooler
BlockICE Sample Cooler
Bibby Scientific

The new Techne cooling block, the BL°CKICE is ideal for incubating samples at sub-ambient temperatures. Holding two standard aluminium blocks from the...

Bibby Scientific

NoICE electronic ice bucketThe new N°ICE is ideal for incubating any number or size of samples at subambient temperatures for long periods of time....

3520 Bench pH Meter
3520 Bench pH Meter
Bibby Scientific

• Ideal for quality control and GLP applications• Up to 3 decimal place resolution• 1, 2 or 3 point pH calibration• Automatic or manual...

3510 Bench pH/mV Meter
3510 Bench pH/mV Meter
Bibby Scientific

• Simultaneous readout of pH and temperature• pH resolution to 3 decimal places• 1, 2 or 3 point calibration• Automatic or manual buffer...

3505 Bench pH Meter
3505 Bench pH Meter
Bibby Scientific

• General purpose education laboratory pH measurement meter• Intuitive operation via rotary controls• pH, temperature and mV mode for redox...

3205 Portable Ion/pH Meter
3205 Portable Ion/pH Meter
Bibby Scientific

• Combined pH and ion portable, waterproof meter• Ammonium, calcium, chloride, fluoride and nitrate ion measurements• Up to 2 point pH and 5...

370 Portable pH/mV Meter
370 Portable pH/mV Meter
Bibby Scientific

• pH, absolute and relative mV ranges• Automatic or manual calibration• Automatic or manual temperature compensation• Simultaneous pH and...

350 Portable pH Meter
350 Portable pH Meter
Bibby Scientific

• Simultaneous pH and temperature display• Storage of up to 32 results• Automatic or manual calibration 500 hours battery life•...

6285 Fluorimeter
6285 Fluorimeter
Bibby Scientific

• High quality optics: pulsed xenon lamp and Total Energy Transfer (TET)• Intelligent Filter Modules ensure correct filters are fitted for selected...

6280 Fluorimeter
6280 Fluorimeter
Bibby Scientific

• High quality optics: pulsed xenon lamp and Total Energy Transfer (TET)• Intelligent Filter Modules ensure correct filters are fitted for selected...

6270 Fluorimeter
6270 Fluorimeter
Bibby Scientific

• High quality optics: pulsed xenon lamp and Total Energy Transfer (TET)• Intelligent Filter Modules ensure correct filters are fitted for selected...

PFP7/C Clinical Flame Photometer
PFP7/C Clinical Flame Photometer
Bibby Scientific

• Designed for clinical analysis• Supplied with Na, K and Li filters• Low temperature, single channel• Flame failure safety system•...

PFP7 Industrial Flame Photometer
PFP7 Industrial Flame Photometer
Bibby Scientific

• Designed for industrial analysis• Supplied with Na, K, Li, Ba and Ca filters• Low temperature, single channel• Flame failure safety...

9500 Bench Dissolved Oxygen Meter
9500 Bench Dissolved Oxygen Meter
Bibby Scientific

• Results as % air saturation, % oxygen or mg/l• Automatic zeroing and calibration• Atmospheric pressure and salinity correction• BOD5...

970 Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter
970 Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter
Bibby Scientific

• Portable and ideal for field work• Results as % air saturation, % oxygen or mg/l• Automatic calibration• Manual atmospheric pressure...

3540 Bench Combined Conductivity/pH Meter
3540 Bench Combined Conductivity/pH Meter
Bibby Scientific

• Simultaneous display of pH and conductivity• 2 independent channels to prevent interference between probes• Additional modes for...

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