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CellGard ES (Energy Saver) NU-480 Class II, Type A2 Biological Safety Cabinet

Cat no: NU-480

Supplier: NuAire, Inc.
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The CellGard(TM) Energy Save Model NU-480 Laminar Flow Biological Safety Cabinet (LFBSC) is a Class II, Type A2 bench/table top model, optionally available with a base support stand, for operation as a console model. Model NU-480 provides Personnel, Product, and Environmental Protection utilizing a Energy Saver motor optimally determined forward curved fan for each model size/width to maximize both energy efficiency and filter loading capacity. The Energy Saver ECM motor is controlled to airflow set points via a solid-state DC motor controller with digital dual thermistor airflow sensors that provide an automatic compensation (constant volume control) for both filter loading and line voltage variances.
Catalogue number: NU-480
Size: 3, 4, 5, 6 ft. (0.9, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 m)
Weight: Varies with Size
P type: Class II, Type A2 Biological Safety Cabinet
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